Creative Anti-Smoking Ads

Posted by Anonymous Friday, November 14, 2008 22 comments

Response to "Creative Anti-Smoking Ads"

  1. Unknown Says:

    These adds are good, but you know what? When I'm really stressed out, and in these days its 24 hours 7 days a week... Don't deny me my cigarette, I need it. Go to hell you health Nazis!

  1. Bufzookie Says:

    It's really easy for someone who smokes to say "Its my life, and let me smoke it if I want to". But you are affecting so many people around you when you smoke. I am by far a health nut, but I watched my 44 year old monther Die slowly of Lung cancer! Now I am 23 year old women with no mother. My daughter will never know her grandmother and I as well of many of my family memebers get to live with the memory of watching her take her last breaths of life because of a stupid habbit!!!! Don't be selfish, just stop!

  1. Unknown Says:

    i agree with gawdwin....seriously...

  1. legend1981 Says:

    Wow, I feel that by adding my comment I am thus far the most intelligent person to speak on this page. The two people above me are clearl both idiots, as an ex smoker (who loves smoking) your comments are already in the fore running for most retarded comments of the week as heard by me. "health nazis" way to go you idiot are you saying that us healthy people are trying to turn your otherwise good for you cigarettes into blonde haiired blue eyed cigarettes? you obviously know nothing about the nazis if you did you would have chosen a less stereo typical dictatorship such as stalin or the current Mugabe, for Gawdin well what can I say that could make you look any more of a fool - errrrr nothing, you sir are a moron and it is only your own stupidity that highlights the irony of your requesting all the morons be left to die when by means of your own actions have labelled yourself exactly that, a moron so by your own request to make suicide legal surely you should go and kill yourself, now im not telling you to do that because I would want to be a "health nazi" but surely you have to live by your own rules?

  1. legend1981 Says:

    Wow, I feel that by adding my comment I am thus far the most intelligent person to speak on this page. The two people above me are clearl both idiots, as an ex smoker (who loves smoking) your comments are already in the fore running for most retarded comments of the week as heard by me. "health nazis" way to go you idiot are you saying that us healthy people are trying to turn your otherwise good for you cigarettes into blonde haiired blue eyed cigarettes? you obviously know nothing about the nazis if you did you would have chosen a less stereo typical dictatorship such as stalin or the current Mugabe, for Gawdin well what can I say that could make you look any more of a fool - errrrr nothing, you sir are a moron and it is only your own stupidity that highlights the irony of your requesting all the morons be left to die when by means of your own actions have labelled yourself exactly that, a moron so by your own request to make suicide legal surely you should go and kill yourself, now im not telling you to do that because I would want to be a "health nazi" but surely you have to live by your own rules?

  1. Unknown Says:

    -.- shut up. "im the most intelligent person to post here, wha wha wha"

    bet you dont have any friends though.

    i also say legalize drugs, more weeding of useless ppl whe they cant moderate and all overdose... and euthansia, too.(sp?)(drugs)

  1. Anonymous Says:

    yeah let’s throw chantix out there!! I was on chantix, till I couldn't stand being depressed anymore jesus christ what a joke. I've never been depressed that much in my life, and 6 months after dropping that crap the depression doesn't go away...

    Electronic cigarette, picked one up and dropped the smoking habit for good. studies show that nicotine by itself isn't as bad as in tobacco. No second hand smoke, no side smoke. And most importantly: no wanting to beat the useless anti smoking turd next to me.

  1. Jens Says:

    I love the every meaning of the anti smoking ads... Also, its very artistic and meaningful.

  1. Anonymous Says:


  1. Ibogaine Treatment Says:

    These ads are just perfect. Smoking is really very injurious to health so we should avoid it. We should also run a campaign to quit smoking. This will help the society as well as the person who smoke.

  1. Anonymous Says:

    I doubt these ads do any good. Kids smoke to look cool or to "be bad" or whatever, then they are hooked. There are several reasons why non-smokers have valid complaints about smokers. For one, we are non-willing participants because the smoke goes everywhere; I can even smell the cigarette smoke from the car in front of me while stopped at a stop light. Also, smokers who become ill become a burden on the health care system, I can only hope Obamacare will deny taxpayer-paid treatment. Then there is the cost to the employer: smokers taking a 10-15 break every hour or two, reducing productivity (they don't make up the time) which is a cost passed on to the consumer. If you see somebody on a smoking break, know that you are paying for it through higher prices.

    If people want to damage themselves, fine, let them. But NOT so that it affects anyone else.

  1. Lady T Says:

    If I wanted to use one of these...who would I have to ask for permission?

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    Smoking is one of the powerful addictions, which can lead to death. Small percentage of reduction in smoking is beneficial for the health. Even with the well-known heart, blood pressure, and cancer risks can be avoid by quitting smoking as early as possible. Many smokers try to quit smoking but they are so much addicted to it they fails to quit smoking.

  1. buy cheap viagra Says:

    Nice creativity for the anti-smoking. Smoking is one of the major problem many people faces the lot of health related problems due to this. Smoking makes the life hell.

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  1. buy cheap viagra Says:

    Smoking reduces the life span. One in three smokers who do not stop then they will eventually die. Some smokers will die in their 40s and others will die later. On average, they will die 10 to 15 years earlier than they would have died from other causes. Some people try to stop smoking but they failed because they are addicted to it.

  1. Anonymous Says:

    Whoever wants to smoke smoke just don't affect the people around you. It's your life and your choice.

  1. AAN Says:

    if you want to commit suicide then do so, committing suicide is a human right, you know!!!
    but do so without killing other people with you. now i won't say anything about second hand smokers because i don't need to, you already know about them... so stop killing them please...
    smoking is an urge? fine, then smoke alone in a closed room when no one sees you or smoke your cigar with you, and where you don't disturb people with your bad smell, and certainly not where you pollute the environment.. at least let us live our lives.. living is a human right after all !!!

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  1. Anonymous Says:

    wow i really cant believe some of you would ever say this kind of stuff!!! its absolutely appaling. in fact i believe these adds are absolutely amazing and they tell the truth, and i am soo happy i came across these! thank you! and the people who posted negitive comments are closed minded and stuck in your ways, and when you die of lung cancer, dont tell me i didnt warn you. i'll pray for you

  1. Anonymous Says:

    um just putting it out there, but, everyone knows its bad to smoke yeah yeah, BUT, the truth is sooooo many people live off this stupid drug,

    harvesters do their thing and get paid to support their families

    and then theres the down side for us as well

    like cmon, everyone around people that smoke suffer
    and the younger generation looks up to these people
    and then it starts the infinite cycle where people learn off us to smoke

    but really internet... this is the iraq war all over again
    its a war where no one benifits and no one can win this

    trust the government and let them solve it
    after a couple of stupid generations and maybe it'll be gone

  1. Anonymous Says:

    very helpful ads.. i pray to god dat people stop killing themselves through these stuffs and also save others.. i advice to all to never start smoking or taking drugs.. if started, god bless you..!!

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